Saturday, January 8, 2011

Little Pagan boy

Today while I was trying to find a book about forming a circle, yes a post on that soon. But my son comes in and wants to meditate with me. He sits down and puts his hands together in front his heart. I am sure that he has seen this in a movie, but am touched by it. He decides he is gonna meditate on how good our neighborhood is. So sweet! He sits in silence with his eyes closed for what is forever in 7 year old time. He opens his eyes and stand up and looks over my altar and picks up my new Athame. He hold is in one hand and bows his head in solemn seriousness. He tells me this is great sword and that is a sword of earth and peace. It is a small copper dagger and is set with stones. He places it back with great care. He spots my other athame and asks to hold it as well. I take it from it's sheath and hand it into his eager hands. He bows his head to this blade as well. He says this is a sword of sunlight and moonlight. This largish dagger has a what looks like horns and a crescent moon as the hilt and pommel. More than one grown adult as commented on it in circle having seen it. But that my untrained 7 years old son saw the Sun and Moon in this blade left me speechless. He is truly special little boy and I look forward to teaching him my ways and having others teach him the Ancient ways reborn. I love his surprises! Magic is real and it lives in the mind and heart of this witch and her little pagan boy!