Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Spring has sprung and my garden is lovely. Flowers blooming, green things full of life are reaching for the sun. What more could a Earthy witch like me hope for! This years spring has been on a pregnant pause and so the glut of milder and wetter weather has my plants all kinds of happy. I have been going out and harvesting mint, catmint, calendua, chamomile, lavender and of course roses. While that may seem like a lot, I have left so much still to harvest. The Goddess is generous with me. I am grateful for my affinity to the growing things the fill my world. I am never so happy or peaceful as when I am out among my plants. A toad has moved in, I hope that my new bumpy friend finds the accommodations pleasant and we will hear the distinctive croaking in the warm nights to come.

A dear friend, one of my anam Cara (soul friends) lost her grandfather yesterday. I was so glad I was able to go and be with her as she paid her respects and offer a bit of my own to a man I never knew but having lost a dear grandfather I empathized deeply.
As I was putting into jars today, the herbs I have gathered up and dried, something struck me. Like these beautiful plants, we all will one day meet our end; and like these potent herbs not all we are ends when our life ends. I will use what remain of these plants to heal, soothe, nourish, bless and purify. Just as we ourselves and those we love can continue to influence, guide, protect, heal, and sooth others when we have laid our mortal bodies aside. To those plants who give of their lives so that I might live better I offer my gratitude and love. To my loved ones who have passed on, and continue to love, guide, protect and inspire, I offer my love and gratitude. From the Goddess we come,and to the Goddess we return. Blessed be.